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JJacky McFarlane mixed media artist

Born in Gisborne, New Zealand, living in Perth, West Australia since 1982. I become an accredited Art Educator for Golden Art Products in 2010 and now teach workshops, classes and demonstrate this product.  Golden Artist Colours impressed me in 2005 with its vibrancy of colours and its many gels and mediums which I love to experiment in my mixed media art.  When Golden first came to Australia around 2005, we stocked our shop 'Artistic Journey' a mixed media art shop.  Our customers loved the product and hence the start of my journey.  The shop is no longer and I operate from my home.  I am a self taught sponge, soaking up many styles of art.  At the moment my passion is street art and art journaling.  Loving stencil art and subtle colours, my eyes are constantly viewing the space around me, where ever I may be, for inspiration.  I feel we are in a very creative period of history and admire so many others who are stretching their boundaries and getting out and just being creative.  I like to teach and inspire art to those who have doubted their capabilities and unleash the artist within.  I believe we all have creativities in one field or another.

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